I have upgraded my K40 to Arduino MEGA + RAMPS with A4988’s, running turnkey tyranny marlin.
When I create gcode with the inkscape turnkey to gcode plugin and send it with pronterface the cut comes out great.
When I connect my K40 to lightburn and try to jog it / run a print, the steppers make crazy noises and erratic movements, skipping a lot of steps and jerking all over the place.
I am not setting anything specific in pronterface - the only config for the machine is the bed size. I also didn’t touch any of the config options in lightburn, and not sure which options/configs to try tweaking.
LightBurn defaults to settings that are appropriate for a slow CO2 system (100mm/sec). The GCode you’re generating from the InkScape plugin will have to choose a feed rate (speed) and it’s quite likely slower than the LightBurn default, so you will likely need to change it.
And what settings are you trying in LightBurn? It defaults to mm/s so if you punched in 2000 that’s crazy fast for your machine. In Edit > Settings you can switch to mm/min if that’s more comfortable.