Still can't break node

I am still unable to “break” node in Lightburn on Mac ever since the update. I had this problem with version 1.3 and gave up. I updated to 1.4… same problem. I can break ALL nodes with the Option+B but I can’t break a single node. In this video I am hovering over a node and clicking “B”. It looks like it breaks the node, but when I click on the line, it is not broken. If I go back to an older version of Lightburn, I am able to break the node as it is designed to.

Hi Julie, I just tried to see if I can reproduce your problem on my system with Mac OS Big Sur 11.7.9 and LightBurn 1.4, I couldn’t. Could it be a Mac OS specific problem?

Hi Julie, may you tell us what version of mac OS you’re running (you can find this in the Settings app under General>About)?

I’m on a mac too (updated to Ventura 13.4.1), and I can’t yet reproduce this behavior.

I am running Ventura 13.3.1.a but I had this problem with Monterey and Lightburn 1.3 also

Odd! Are you able to send a sample file along with your Support Data (Help > Generate Support Data) and a link to this thread to This looks like one that our code wizards will need to take a squiz at, methinks!

ok- I’ll try. I’m not sure I know now , but will try to figure it out.
also, I notice when I click “B” it turns the node in to a green square but doesn’t actually break the line

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I found how to creat support data, but where do I go to create a support ticket?

If you send an email to with the above info that will do it! :slight_smile:

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I have a guess as to what’s happening here based on your video:

  1. You hover over the node to break and press ‘B’
  2. LightBurn breaks the node and updates the shape (the node turns green because the vert list is shifted around to make the ‘broken’ node first
  3. You click and release the broken node
  4. Because you released it, LightBurn sees the broken node next to another one and rejoins it
  5. Then you go back and try to drag, and it’s a single node again

Try this instead:

  1. Hover over the node to break and press ‘B’
  2. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag the newly broken vertex away from where it is

Does that work? If so, the code that handles vertex re-joining should probably be updated to make sure you dragged it a minimum distance first.


That’s it! yes, it works. I did not previously have that issue so something in the code changed between 106 and 1.3. (I had other issues with updates between 106 and 1.3 so I always just went back to 106). thanks for finding this! Julie

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