I am still unable to “break” node in Lightburn on Mac ever since the update. I had this problem with version 1.3 and gave up. I updated to 1.4… same problem. I can break ALL nodes with the Option+B but I can’t break a single node. In this video I am hovering over a node and clicking “B”. It looks like it breaks the node, but when I click on the line, it is not broken. If I go back to an older version of Lightburn, I am able to break the node as it is designed to.
Hi Julie, I just tried to see if I can reproduce your problem on my system with Mac OS Big Sur 11.7.9 and LightBurn 1.4, I couldn’t. Could it be a Mac OS specific problem?
Hi Julie, may you tell us what version of mac OS you’re running (you can find this in the Settings app under General>About)?
I’m on a mac too (updated to Ventura 13.4.1), and I can’t yet reproduce this behavior.
I am running Ventura 13.3.1.a but I had this problem with Monterey and Lightburn 1.3 also
Odd! Are you able to send a sample file along with your Support Data (Help > Generate Support Data) and a link to this thread to support@lightburnsoftware.com? This looks like one that our code wizards will need to take a squiz at, methinks!
ok- I’ll try. I’m not sure I know now , but will try to figure it out.
also, I notice when I click “B” it turns the node in to a green square but doesn’t actually break the line
I found how to creat support data, but where do I go to create a support ticket?
If you send an email to support@lightburnsoftware.com with the above info that will do it!
I have a guess as to what’s happening here based on your video:
- You hover over the node to break and press ‘B’
- LightBurn breaks the node and updates the shape (the node turns green because the vert list is shifted around to make the ‘broken’ node first
- You click and release the broken node
- Because you released it, LightBurn sees the broken node next to another one and rejoins it
- Then you go back and try to drag, and it’s a single node again
Try this instead:
- Hover over the node to break and press ‘B’
- Press and hold the left mouse button and drag the newly broken vertex away from where it is
Does that work? If so, the code that handles vertex re-joining should probably be updated to make sure you dragged it a minimum distance first.
That’s it! yes, it works. I did not previously have that issue so something in the code changed between 106 and 1.3. (I had other issues with updates between 106 and 1.3 so I always just went back to 106). thanks for finding this! Julie
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