Anyone try this STL to PNG converter? From what I understand it emulates what a 3D laser machine can do using a grayscale height map image from an STL file. Looks like any old grey scale height image I’ve seen, nothing special. ? I guess its supposed to work on a 2D-only fiber laser? OR do I have this wrong?
Im on a 60 W Fiber JPT M7 MOPA
Will it work on my machine to create 2 1/2 D - 3D engravings?
I don’t know what you expect, it’s a gray scale image… That is how the 3dslice option works, it uses a grayscale input… The difference is where the light and dark scaling is placed.
Some grayscale images can be used in the 3dslice option but most will not be properly transposed as 3d.
An image with very dark areas will burn deeper than light areas. If it’s caused by shadows it won’t look correct, that why they start with an stl object that is 3d.
Run the stl2png with the a different orientation of top or side and you will see the difference.
This is a leaf image I picked up somewhere on the Internet, no processing and it turned out pretty good for slate, tile and 3d engraving on the fiber…