Straight line node editing

Hi all, I have downloaded the LB version 9.3

When viewing the tutorial for text on a path, a straight line is drawn, and text added to it.

I can achieve this part.

Then, with the line active, the nodes button is clicked and there is a central node, which allows the ends or centre node to convert the straight line to a curve.

When i click nodes, i only have a single note at each end and cannot distort the line to make a curve.

Am I missing a step?

Hover over the line and hit the “S” key to change the line to smooth. You should then see the node handles appear allowing you to then adjust the shape of this path.

Perfect, thanks ever so much for the solution, without making me feel too dumb.

I love this software and am only just starting to explore more deeply the things it is capable of.

The responses from Oz and Rick are always spot on and so damned quick, I wonder if you guys ever sleep!

Hope the move goes well and all best wishes for the future development of the excellent programme.


Is there a list of things like this only available via keyboard commands and not exposed in the GUI?

I created a list that.

Anthony’s list isn’t complete any more. These are the keys for node editing:

And other “hidden” keys are listed in Help > Quick Help and Notes in the app itself.

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