Strange behaviour with 'Click to Move' tool?

Hi all,

Firstly I’m trialing this software and LOVING it, and the massive upgrade it appears to be from my regular CamBam combo. I’m not experienced in GRBL and am basically fumbling through this so please be kind - I’m editing this first post as I try things before I get and responses.

This is the problem which I can’t seem to get my head around:

  • Sending the laser to 0,0 results in correctly moving to the bottom-left
  • Jogging the laser using move controls works correctly (orientation, distance etc).
  • Homing works fine (top-left, machine has switches),

However, if I use the Click to Move (CTM) tool, the first click is correct, however any subsequent clicks are added to the position as if the assumed position was at the homing position (top-left), and subsequently the laser can only move down or right (before crashing). For example, if I click in the middle of the work area, from ‘home’ (top-left), the laser moves there. Clicking a second time, say 1mm to the right and 1mm down from the previous position in the centre, the laser then crashes off the bottom-right corner of the bed…

The ‘Get Position’ button also shows the problem - at ‘home’, it reads x-300, y0. Yet clicking ‘Go’ and sending it to 0,0 works (bottom-left)… but then shows as being in position x-300, y-420. (Console shows <Idle,MPos:-300.000,0.000,0.000,WPos:0.000,420.000,0.000,Buf:0>). Hence my confusion.

I’m confused as to how this is happening. I’ve tried using $10 (default this is 6, however I have changed it to both 5 and 7 also to change between work position and /or machine position with no change to this issue). Setting ‘Move from Machine Zero’ to on doesn’t seem to change anything either. Using the suggested $10=0 wasn’t getting any position data at all.

I have also tried offsets to no avail… but I don’t believe it actually needs them, if sending the device to 0,0 works correctly?

Hope someone can help. Cheers

I’m using a home made laser x300 x y420 with home limit switches running a Uno with GRBL 0.9h (in GBRL-M3 mode), that I believe may have minor firmware modifications for PWM power / spindle control. The machine is about 5 years old now and has no problems using the 3DPBurner Sender tool I use regularly.


Starting stream
Stream completed in 0:00
Grbl 0.9h ['$' for help]
3dpBurner AlphaResearch Edge Feb_04_2015 customized version (by villamany). Welcome!
$0=10 (step pulse, usec)
$1=255 (step idle delay, msec)
$2=0 (step port invert mask:00000000)
$3=0 (dir port invert mask:00000000)
$4=0 (step enable invert, bool)
$5=0 (limit pins invert, bool)
$6=0 (probe pin invert, bool)
$10=6 (status report mask:00000110)
$11=0.020 (junction deviation, mm)
$12=0.010 (arc tolerance, mm)
$13=0 (report inches, bool)
$14=1 (auto start, bool)
$20=0 (soft limits, bool)
$21=0 (hard limits, bool)
$22=1 (homing cycle, bool)
$23=1 (homing dir invert mask:00000001)
$24=200.000 (homing feed, mm/min)
$25=4000.000 (homing seek, mm/min)
$26=0 (homing debounce, msec)
$27=0.000 (homing pull-off, mm)
$40=1 (turn Laser mode on, bool)
$100=80.000 (x, step/mm)
$101=80.000 (y, step/mm)
$102=0.001 (z, step/mm)
$110=12000.000 (x max rate, mm/min)
$111=12000.000 (y max rate, mm/min)
$112=12000.000 (z max rate, mm/min)
$120=1000.000 (x accel, mm/sec^2)
$121=1000.000 (y accel, mm/sec^2)
$122=12000.000 (z accel, mm/sec^2)
$130=300.000 (x max travel, mm)
$131=420.000 (y max travel, mm)
$132=10000.000 (z max travel, mm)


    "Name": "GRBL-M3 (1.1e or earlier)",
    "Settings": [
            "Desc": "Status: Position reporting ($10)",
            "ID": "0xa0000",
            "Value": "Workspace Position"
            "Desc": "Status: Show buffer data ($10)",
            "ID": "0xa0001",
            "Value": true
            "Desc": "Junction deviation (mm) ($11)",
            "ID": "0xb",
            "Value": 0.019999999552965164
            "Desc": "Arc tolerance (mm) ($12)",
            "ID": "0xc",
            "Value": 0.009999999776482582
            "Desc": "Report inches ($13)",
            "ID": "0xd",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Soft limits ($20)",
            "ID": "0x14",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Hard limits ($21)",
            "ID": "0x15",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Homing cycle ($22)",
            "ID": "0x16",
            "Value": true
            "Desc": "Homing feed rate (slow) (mm/min) ($24)",
            "ID": "0x18",
            "Value": 200
            "Desc": "Homing seek rate (fast) (mm/min) ($25)",
            "ID": "0x19",
            "Value": 4000
            "Desc": "Homing debounce (ms) ($26)",
            "ID": "0x1a",
            "Value": 0
            "Desc": "Homing pull-off (mm) ($27)",
            "ID": "0x1b",
            "Value": 0
            "Desc": "Step pulse (microseconds) ($0)",
            "ID": "0x0",
            "Value": 10
            "Desc": "Step idle delay (ms) ($1)",
            "ID": "0x1",
            "Value": 255
            "Desc": "Step enable invert ($4)",
            "ID": "0x4",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Limit pins invert ($5)",
            "ID": "0x5",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Probe pin invert ($6)",
            "ID": "0x6",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "X Step pin invert ($2)",
            "ID": "0x20000",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "X Direction pin invert ($3)",
            "ID": "0x30000",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "X Homing direction invert ($23)",
            "ID": "0x170000",
            "Value": true
            "Desc": "X Steps per mm ($100)",
            "ID": "0x64",
            "Value": 80
            "Desc": "X Max rate (mm/min) ($110)",
            "ID": "0x6e",
            "Value": 12000
            "Desc": "X Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($120)",
            "ID": "0x78",
            "Value": 1000
            "Desc": "X Max travel (mm) ($130)",
            "ID": "0x82",
            "Value": 300
            "Desc": "Y Step pin invert ($2)",
            "ID": "0x20001",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Y Direction pin invert ($3)",
            "ID": "0x30001",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Y Homing direction invert ($23)",
            "ID": "0x170001",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Y Steps per mm ($101)",
            "ID": "0x65",
            "Value": 80
            "Desc": "Y Max rate (mm/min) ($111)",
            "ID": "0x6f",
            "Value": 12000
            "Desc": "Y Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($121)",
            "ID": "0x79",
            "Value": 1000
            "Desc": "Y Max travel (mm) ($131)",
            "ID": "0x83",
            "Value": 420
            "Desc": "Z Step pin invert ($2)",
            "ID": "0x20002",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Z Direction pin invert ($3)",
            "ID": "0x30002",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Z Homing direction invert ($23)",
            "ID": "0x170002",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "Z Steps per mm ($102)",
            "ID": "0x66",
            "Value": 0.0010000000474974513
            "Desc": "Z Max rate (mm/min) ($112)",
            "ID": "0x70",
            "Value": 12000
            "Desc": "Z Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($122)",
            "ID": "0x7a",
            "Value": 12000
            "Desc": "Z Max travel (mm) ($132)",
            "ID": "0x84",
            "Value": 10000
            "Desc": "A Step pin invert ($2)",
            "ID": "0x20003",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "A Direction pin invert ($3)",
            "ID": "0x30003",
            "Value": false
            "Desc": "A Homing direction invert ($23)",
            "ID": "0x170003",
            "Value": false

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