Hi everyone,
I am a complete newbie to this but have been dealing with 3D printing for a while…
I brought a Longer RAY5 and followed the regular steps to get it working…
It is connected in Lightburn and I am able to use it but the only thing that is actually working is straight lines as soon as I try to do anything else it starts this strange barcode style (See Pictures)
Just checked my settings, same as on the Screenshots, so it should be fine?
I actually kept all the settings by default…
One more thing, even when it is a Text like “test” the laser goes rather up than in the wide.
Try changing the mode from “Fill” to “Line”, lower the speed down to about 3000 so it’s not trying to go too fast, and drop the power to 20%. What does the result look like when you do that?
tried it with both fill an line, works perfect for a simple Box or straight line but as soon as I try anything else even a simple circle it goes like on the Screenshots
Hi there!
I just bought a little Iklestar TX laser and it acts exactly like yours, It cuts squares no problem, but if i try to engrave looks like your barcodes:). Try to cut a circle, i want to see if it looks like mine.
If your software is not original from Lightburn, that may be the problem. In my case i reinstalled the program, activate the trial and works just fine.