Stream Completed in 0:01

Let me start off with I am an idiot so bear with me.

I have been using Lightburn with Creality 10W Falcon and the Creality Rotary Pro. I have only been using Lightburn for a few weeks, but had managed to complete several projects identical to the one I am working on now. I cam back to my engraver after a week off and it no longer works with the rotary attachment.

I can frame projects, and can engrave flat surfaces, but once I switch back to the rotary attachment, The machine rehomes when I click start and the console reads Stream complete in 0:01. I had not changed any settings prior to this starting.

Try enabling rotary not on Laser Window switch but on Rotary Setup window, then report back.

No luck. I have also tried setting up my engraver from scratch, but that did not help either.

See if you could get a backup from when it worked good.

How do you switch back and forth? I use the Macro buttons.

Rehome? Are you sure that is what is happening? GRBL parameter should be $22=0 for the rotary because it has no limit switches.

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