Stuck on “Rasterizing vectors / images”

I’m trying to engrave 2.5D with a fiber laser and the “3D Sliced” option. I set everything up and when I click start I get “Rasterizing vectors / images” that never goes away. It’s immediately at about 3/5 progress and every once in a while the progress bar flickers. Running macOS and LightBurn 1.7.04.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Did it work before? or it’s the first time you’re trying this?
Did you try with another smaller image?

This is the first time I am trying it. I’ll try down sizing the image before I put it into LB.

Still the same issue. I made the image much smaller before importing it, I removed other layers that were not being used and it still hangs up.

could you try a completely different image?

I tried a different image before posting initially. It was the same result so I found a new image.