I read (and experience) that sublayers aren’t available for image layers. Could you add this, please? If I want to import a picture and lasercut it, I usually want to cut it at the border as well, so adding another sublayer to do this, would make things a wee bit easier.
This would need to be done as a separate layer even if sublayer was available for Image layers. All sublayers work on the same underlying graphics for that layer… so a line or fill sublayer both use the same underlying vector data for its operation.
A cutting out of an image is inherently different graphic that would be required independent of the image data. So, this would need to be done with a separate graphic outline the image to be cutout and assigned to a separate layer entirely from the image.
It’s just that most images you want to cut out, share the same geometry as of the image, except in rare cases where you want to outline a strange drawing or similar. If it’s all square, why would it be so hard to do that in a sublayer?
I wasn’t indicating whether or not something like that could be possible. Only that it’s fundamentally different to how sublayers are conceived and how they behave today. Sublayers today don’t automatically do things with the layer that aren’t already available to a normal layer. It simply allows for the combination of multiple operations to the same graphic elements. What you’re asking for would be something different. It would be an implied trace to create a vector path that then gets assigned as a line sublayer. So 2 different operations on 2 separate graphics. Implementation wise this would be somewhat straightforward if you could assume you want to cut along the entire boundary of the image dimensions, This gets more ambiguous if you have transparent backgrounds, masked images, or other scenarios.
Personally I see limited utility in this when it can be done with layers (and also a little confusing since it’s inconsistent in behavior) but I might be the outlier here as I don’t do a lot of image burning. Perhaps see if anyone else has suggested this in the Feature Request page and upvote or create your own entry.
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