Operating system: Win 7 Ultimate 64bit SP1
Sculpfun S6pro engraver with a finecars
Self -constituted Lighburn Software 1.1.04
I have been using Lighthburn for almost 6 months with a Sculpfun A6Pro engraver with 30W laser head (with a Homing’s final chain) without any problem, but yesterday the machine during the engraving of a text stood after about 30 minutes of burning, while LB continued to send data.
Reset of the machine
Reset homing
Second attempt, but nothing was equal to the previous one. I canceled the first three lines of text already engraved with the point where they would have blocked, hoping to solve the problem but the same result of the two previous attempts. At this point I ask for help to solve it. I attach some images of the console at the time of blocking the car where there are symbols that I don’t know the meaning.
Unfortunately, the images are not displayed. How did you reset the machine? You need to turn of power AND disconnect the USB cable; otherwise it won’t reboot.
I probably didn’t explain myself well why the car stops during the burning while LB continues to send data as you can see from the screenshot. that I hope you can see. Premo stop and for safety I do homing again and the car returns active.
Try another USB cable. Your connection is not stable. You can see those question marks during the communication, which mean that data was corrupted. Use a high quality cable and remove all other devices that could cause interference (like big machines connected to the same outlet).
Sorry for the delay in replying, but I wanted to do further tests. I had already tried to change the USB cable with alternating results. Sometimes it reaches the end of the work, other times not, also sometimes the car ends the incision but LB stops as shown bales images that I am attaching. I don’t know the meaning of the exclamation point that appears. At the end of the tests I realized that the communication stops on very long files. In fact, if I choose the incision only line (duration from preview of about 7 minutes) concludes regularly, but if change in line + filling or offset filling (preview duration about 1 hour and more) does not arrive at the end and blocks after a dozen of minutes. At this point, the doubt arises that it is a computer problem that like its owner is a differently young (as it is used by us). Can this be the problem?
Did you connect any switches to other ports of the main board? The exclamation mark means to suspend the laser. It can be triggered by a button. The buttons are usually connected to the small pin header on the top right of the Sculpfun mainboard. If there is any interference, this might cause the stop.
Yes, I connected the two micro switches (as in photographs) for the homing of the machine. But I connected them as soon as the engraver arrived or in February of this year, and so far he has never given any problems. In short, it seems that the problems never come alone. In any case, I try to buy a new computer to see if I can solve some problems.
The problem might be that you cut the VCC pin at the limit switch. Without it, you don’t have the debouncing circuit active. I highly recommend, reconnecting the VCC pin or exchange with new switches to make them work as intended.