Support for Galvo IO (Automatic Infeed Module)

I’m using EZCAD, but want to switch to Lightburn.
My machine is from factory equipped with a automatic infeed module.

Is the Handling of IO Ports Implemented?
The process in EZCAD to mark is as follows:

Input 1= Clamp Sensor (From Lo–Hi or from Hi–Lo)
Input 2= Currently I don’t use it, but it is a sensor if material is in position

Output 1 = Solenoid Clamp up
Output 2 = Solenoid Clamp Down
Move Distance (Would be cool to use the automatic mark dimensiondetection of Lightburn for the distance to move)

Similar kind of machine/process (not mine)

Sadly no response yet…
I hope someone finds this interesting as well.

Very interesting setup indeed! Unfortunately, this is not currently supported by LightBurn.

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