So, I’ve tried this in both 1.4.03 and 1.4.01 and got the same results. Has anyone seen SVG curves import as straight lines? Here is a shape that I’m importing, viewing the SVG in Inkscape looks correct.
And Firefox and Chrome…
The SVG code seems OK, made with an old version of Inkscape (0.92.5).
The inner curve is made of two cubic Bézier curves chained together.
Oh, I see!
The curve instruction is:
Notice the S instruction, drawing a smooth point with the previous point’s reflection. I guess it might not be correctly interpreted by the LB SVG parser.
The code is optimized for size (notice also the -2.83.06, shorter than a more orthodox -2.83,0.06), using this rarely seen S code which avoids another coordinate pair.
If I open the file in Inkscape 1.3 (the latest), move the shape a bit to alter it and save it, it becomes
c -2.83,0.06 -4.82,0.1 -4.29,0.1 0,0 -63.83,47.43 -63.32,126.129997 0.51,78.7 44.2,124.77 44.2,124.77
and LightBurn displays it correctly.