Switching from Rotary to Flatbed - Disaster!

I have an OmTech 80W laser, and when I try to switch back from a rotary to the flatbed, when the laser tries to go to the origin, it crashes into the corner of the flatbed (top left) repeatedly with the most horrendous sound.

I’ve tried switching off/on again, same with Lightburn, I’ve tried resetting the origin, nothing seems to work. I don’t know what I’m doing here, why are there no definititive instructions from OmTech - I’m tearing my hair out and I want to cry! Please help.

Let’s start with some basic info. Is this a new laser or a new problem?
If you go back to rotary mode does it work as expected?
What changes did you make to install the rotary?

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We are new to lasering yes, I have previously managed to go between the two without issue.

To install the rotary we simply plugged it in and used the Rotary Setting in Lightburn.

It’s like the laser doesn’t have any idea ‘where’ it is anymore and is crashing into the top corner as it seems to try to go to an origin that is beyond the flatbed. I’ve tried resetting the origin using the Origin Set on the machine itself but this doesn’t seem to work.

OK, if you plug the rotary back in, what happens?

It does the same thing by crashing into the side if I try to go to the origin.

The only way I can make the laser work without crashing is by setting it to start from ‘Current Position’ and lining up the laser head manually away from the corners.

It crashes into the opposite side of the limit switches?

you can prevent the crashing by hitting the escape or cancel(I’m not near my laser) button a couple times before it crashes. I know that doesn’t solve your problem, but it stops the crashing.

Now, on to more diagnosis. With the laser powered on, in Lightburn go into the rotary dialog and toggle the rotary enabled switch, then leave it disabled. Close the dialog. Disconnect the rotary and reconnect the Y axis. Power off the laser. Leave it off while you restart Lightburn. Turn the laser back on and be prepared to hit the escape key to stop homing if it goes the wrong direction. Once the laser is back on and stoppoed go back to Lightburn and verify that the rotary off command has stuck.

Report your findings.

What do you mean by this statement? Does this happen when you click the home button on the control panel? Or is this a framing issue?

Is this occurring with both axes or only one of them? If so, which axes is crashing?


Could be as simple as a broken limit switch which needs replacing.

We have discovered that it is the Y-axis limit switch that is not working. However it isn’t broken as we have performed the text that OMTech suggested (which is to place a metal object on it), and the light is firing. OMTech suggest that the Limit Switch needs changing in height. I haven’t a clue how to do this? Can anyone please advise?

Can you take some high quality photos of the Y-axis limit sensor as well as the gantry positioned near the sensor at the point meant to trigger it? In other words, show the component meant to trigger the sensor positioned directly above the sensor at the expected trigger point.

This will help determine next steps.

With the machine powered up, usually you have to press to stop the home operation, you can move the head over the switch and see if it lights up. If it doesn’t light up, you’ll need to move the proximity switch so it does.

I can’ see how you could have changed this just by using your rotary.


We appear to have solved this - the limit switch must have been knocked slightly (less than a mm) while changing to the flatbed from the rotary, this meant it wasn’t engaging. With a slight tweak to the limit switch position, (just loosening the screws and then turning the limit switch about 1mm) it is now engaging and the laser head is registering the parameters of the workbed.

Thank you all for your help, much appreciated.

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