Switching LB from gcode version to pro version

It appears that I downloaded to incorrect version for my laser. I have a OMTech AF2820-80w with a ruida controller. I downloaded LB version 1.7.04 GCode and have been told that I needed to download LB Pro. How do I switch or update versions?

It’s not the download, it’s the license that defines the functionality. There is only one download for all versions.

Delete the wrong profile you have created and start from scratch with the right setup profile and you are running in 5 minutes.

if you have already purchased the software, you need to upgrade to pro. If you are on the trial version, do as @bernd.dk advises above.

I purchased it on Amazon. They sent me a Lightburn Gcode number that I used to install. So, I believe that I will need to upgrade? How would I go about that?

Top of the page, license management, License Portal. If that doesn’t work send an email to support@lightburnsoftware.com

Since you purchased the wrong version from Amazon, it might be smart to send your key to support via email and ask them.

Normally you would just go to the site directly.

Good luck


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