Symbols popping up in Lightburn and laser just stops

I have a Neje Master 2 board with a 30 Watt head. Had an issue so took the head off and put 20W back on … the issue was ME! I put the 30W head back on the laser and tried to cut a circle out os 3mm board … running 100mm @ 100% and 4 passes … On First pass the laser went through 3/4 of the circle and stopped I snagged this image to show

So I stopped the job and shut down everything and restarted it and this time it went through the whole first pass and stopped with this image and on another run I see this image
My options when these surface is try to stop the job which usually works. And then restart the job and see if it finishes next time. This was all working fine until I thought I had a problem and so tried to re-import the firmware and update the driver etc … I likely have something not correct … I also set $30=1000 as I read that would make everything go faster … Has anyone seen this behaviour before?

Hi All, It happened again today :frowning: I was attempting a 3d image …got about half way up the image and laser moved to left with the following showing on the console image

I am not familiar with ‘static earthing’ - Are you saying that static might cause this? I do have everything grounded (providing the motherboard takes its ground from the two wire power plug)… This is a Neje 2 Motherboard updated to Grbl 1.1F, a Neje 30W head mounted on the laser and Lightburn software V0.9.20.

I am curious to know if this is the laser causing this which would mean it is sending info into the Lightburn software, or if it is Lightburn causing this? I know they communicate as you can see the progress of the job in the console as it is running. Is anyone aware of any troubleshooting steps I might do to find out what is causing this?

Any help appreciated,

[quote=“Bonjour, post:4, topic:35867”]
Static/earthing. Didn’t I already say that? Did you search as I recommended, or did you just ignore it because you have more knowledge than I do about such things?

Didn’t I already say that? Did you search as I recommended, or did you just ignore it because you have more knowledge than I do about such things? My apologies if my response was unclear - I had never heard the term before and was asking for clarification which you have now provided :slight_smile: Thank You I will now go and research the term and how to correct for it…

This is just rude Bo, and not needed. :man_shrugging: A comment like this adds no additional value to the post. It reads combative, and not the tone we want. Please play nice.

Hi Bo and Rick… so I grounded the laser tonight. There is no chance static is playing a part …at least I feel pretty certain… I grounded both arms on the laser to a solid ground and metered it to be certain it was in fact grounded, and it is. I am trying to do a grey scale of the 3d bee Jpg and tried a couple of times tonight. Both times it quit not long after the job started and I am seeing the following:
Starting stream
Layer C00
Job halted
Stream completed in 0:20
Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.
Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]
[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]
[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]
Starting stream
Layer C00

On the 2nd run I got something similar :slight_smile: ok
Project loaded in 70 milliseconds
Starting stream
Stream completed in 0:00
Starting stream
Stream completed in 0:00
Starting stream
Stream completed in 0:00
Starting stream
Stream completed in 0:00
Starting stream
Layer C00
Job halted
Stream completed in 1:24
Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.
Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]
[MSG:’$H’|’X' to unlock] [MSG:Caution: Unlocked] ok Starting stream Layer C00 Job halted Stream completed in 0:20 ok ok ok ALARM:3 Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended. ok Grbl 1.1f ['’ for help]
[MSG:’$H’|’X' to unlock] [MSG:Caution: Unlocked] ok Starting stream Layer C00 `fx��`fx `fx��`fx `fx��`fx `fx��`fx `fx��`fx `fx��`fx `fx��`fx Job halted Stream completed in 12:27 Grbl 1.1f ['’ for help]
Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]
Starting stream
Stream completed in 0:00

Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]
[MSG:’$H’|’X' to unlock] [MSG:Caution: Unlocked] ok <Idle|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:15,127|FS:0,0|WCO:0.000,0.000,0.000> ok Starting stream Stream completed in 0:00 <Idle|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:15,127|FS:0,0|Ov:100,100,100> ok Starting stream Stream completed in 0:00 <Idle|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:15,127|FS:0,0> ok Starting stream Stream completed in 0:00 Starting stream Layer C00 `fx��`fx `fx��`fx `fx��`fx `fx��`fx `fx#+ `fx��`fx `fx��`fx "x���ok Job halted Stream completed in 33:38 Grbl 1.1f ['’ for help]

I slowed the speed to 1/4 of the first job when I ran it 2nd time just in case …did not help…is there something else I may be missing?

I just saw a post by OZ …
GRBL Alarm 3 is “Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.”

What are the travel limits of that machine? The “on or near” thing doesn’t count commented out lines, so it’s probably closer to the bottom of the lines you’ve posted, which makes me think it’s either the X or Y axis going out of bounds - Both of them are steadily increasing in the code shown.

I will try to figure out what that means … my machine is 170mmx170mm and the image starts at 10 and ends at 160 … or is it the encoding of the image that he speaks of??

SOLVED!!! I have resolved this issue with Neje laser. The errors I posted above after grounding all to be sure and reading OZ’s post I started digging around and found a site that talked at the speed of $110 and $111 … I also read this:
Another good K40 setting is to increase maximum speed. Experiment around with $110=12000 for x axis $111=5000 or higher for Y axis. 5000 in this case means 5000mm/minute, which is equivalent to 0.08 metres per second. At some point the machine can’t keep up with the signals it receives from the controller, and it’ll skip steps if you go too high. But a higher value that doesn’t skip steps means you’ll get more speed from your machine. Note: x axis rate is higher than y axis rate because of the k40 gantry design.
So I went in and dropped the speed from 5000 to 2500 and not a single error showed up and my images are all burning successfully now. Thank You for all the pointers and help much appreciated!

HI i have a neje 40w master 2s Max and i have the kind of the same error
Starting stream

Layer C00













Job halted

Stream completed in 29:39

Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]


I cant understand why this still showing up after i change the values $110 and $111.

do you think could be the power supply? my power is an EU plug, not UK, so I don’t have ground

Thanks Joao

Without getting into your machine because I do not know it, a ground connection is always necessary. The static charge that comes from the actual movement of the X and Y axes must not reach your control board. You can actually buy plugs with only ground connection, i.e. the two conductors are made of plastic and only the earth connection works. There are also other options but they depend on your options in your workshop, e.g. water pipes (metal) or central heating installation.

my neje is a laser module and the board connection is only positive and negative, even if i buy 3 phase power supply, i not sure how it can ground the mainboard because will be just grounded between the wall plug and the power supply, the board connection is a 6mm jack, could you give some tips for i can ground the mainboard? just you let you know, I’m not a very good electrician.

I’ve seen pictures where the frame itself is grounded, it’s what I was thinking, not your 12v supply itself.

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