Tengo un NEJE Master 2S Max de 40w, lo utilizo largas horas, en qué se sobrecalienta la placa del firmware, haciendo mal los trabajos, es aquí qué surge la pregunta ¿Que temperatura de trabajó recomienda NEJE para la placa?
I have a 40w NEJE Master 2S Max, I use it for long hours, why does the firmware board overheat, doing the jobs wrong, this is where the question arises: What working temperature does NEJE recommend for the board?
All diode lasers have a duty cycle limit . It’s possible that you have reached this .
For example every x hours the laser is required to rest for a x period of time to stop it damaging the actual diode.
You should perhaps talk to Nege to ask this limit alternatively you can install additional cooling on the board.
Diodes do suffer from heat problems and you say that you are using it for long periods of time.
Co2 lasers use water to cool the tube and most of us with larger lasers using a chiller to cool the water as if you don’t the water warms up and that can cause the laser tube to age prematurely.
Same principle . They all need good cooling