I know I have been MIA lately. My online business kept me busy. Now I have some free time to do some testing a with my old master2 laser by attached sculpfun s9 module. the result was great. I did some glass engraving with it see attached
- I used image-r to invert the image for glass into new norton. It came out like a negative picture
- I save it as BMP file.
- I uploaded it into lightburn with speed 3080 power 50 and dpi 79 with one pass
- i cleaned the glass with alcohol to take out any finger print and make sure it clean 100%
- I use w-40 I said it, w-40 with one small spray into and paper towel and clean the class with it wait for the the glass to dry it take 3 minute.
- I use a black paper by the name of tuxedo paper it sold at Walmart for 5.48 with tax come with 5.84.
- I put the paper first and the glass on the top of the paper and let the machine does it thing. it engrave forever into the glass no smoke, no burn, see the result
- I clean the glass with window cleaner for get out the sort into the glass and let it dry
- the background need to black to see the picture into the frame.
engrave print
I will use color paper in the future to see if the result will come out in color.
let me know guy what do you