I love all the new features in the update some really great stuff.
I would love to have normal text editing inside the text tool. I use a lot of text and you can’t even select any text to edit or copy like a normal word processing program or app. I’m not a software engineer but I can’t imagine it would be a difficult feature to add. It would save a ton of time for me and I’m sure many other people as well.
Maybe this is already in the works. I hope so.
Anyone else think this would be a great feature to have?
Yes, I’m familiar with that but you don’t get to see the text as it will appear with the font you have chosen. It may be me but seems silly to have to open another box/window to edit the text.
It’s just not as fast or intuitive as an experience in any other software I have ever used. I draw with vectors all the time. That software handles text just like Word or other similar programs.
I have sign software that I use to make signs and decals. All editing is done just like Word and its so much faster for a workflow especially when time is money.
I appreciate your information and taking the time to respond to my post.
Thank you.
I am having problems with the text bend feature when you also use horizontal spacing, it doesnt bend correctly, the settings menu your showing here is for the 1.6 version that has not yet been released and the 1.5 doesnt have these options for the text edit dialog
I’m not sure I follow this. You can see your font in real-time. Just click on the text once and then go to the top and scroll through your fonts. It will update live.
I’m not so certain based on the flow of the conversation. Not saying your wrong but he seemed to be against having to open the text edit window. At least that’s how I read this.
So I was showing that you can accomplish this without having to go into text edit or even double clicking the text.
Yes, that’s correct. He’s saying that it would be nice to be able to do WYSIWYG text editing like you can in other applications. i.e. Not just changing the font but actually editing the text (not just entering the text in the first instance, but editing it afterwards). We can change the font in the main design window or we can edit the text by opening the dialogue. What we can’t do is edit text while also seeing a WYSIWYG view of that text at the same time in the design workspace (i.e. without opening the ‘Edit Text Shape’ dialogue). Does that make sense?
Thanks @RalphU . I’m not the OP, I was merely pointing out that I thought @CarlFisher had misunderstood @Rocksmith 's initial post.
That’s a great tip by the way! I hadn’t noticed that you get a live update in the design window and that you can still interact with it (pan & zoom etc.)
Am I missing something here?
I can edit text right on the workspace without having to open the Edit Text Shape dialog box. If I have a piece of text on the workspace and I have the text tool active, I can pop the text tool right into the middle of a text sting and begin altering it. How is that not what the OP was asking for? You don’t have to right click and open any dialog box… just throw the cursor into the text string and type away (or backspace, or space, or etc…).
Well, without saying it is a showstopper, I feel this editing could be improved: you cannot select a portion of the text (with mouse or keyboard) to replace it (by typing over it) or to delete it. Ctrl+Backspace or Ctrl+Del, to delete a word, doesn’t work. Same for Ctrl+left/right (Home and End work at least).
Some text editing capabilities we are used to in other base text editing programs are not there in this live editing, while there are available in the text editing dialog.
Again, not blocking, but nice to have.
And I don’t even mention the capability to change the text style or font on a portion of the text.