Text file out of bounds

Please help with the settings. The program shows that I am out of bounds. What am I doing wrong?
I am using text files from Canva. I have already done about 20 engravings, everything was fine, but today something happened, I don’t understand :frowning:

Out of bounds? Are you referring to an error message from LightBurn or an error from your controller / machine?

I can’t find how to attach a screenshot here. I think the problem is in LB program

I am doing something wrong in the settings


If you’re being warned of having object out of bounds, it is because you have objects outside of the working area and this setting is turned on:

If you want to suppress (remove) this warning, you can toggle that off.

Are you getting a warning? What do you mean or can you describe differently when you say “the program shows I am out of bounds”?

I inserted a file with text, everything seems to be fine. But the program says that I am out of bounds and in order to make the engraving, I will have to reduce the text by about 5 times.

That looks to be an image. Based on its simplicity and being monochrome, I suggest that you convert the image to a vector (Select the image, then click tools, trace image).

The ‘Out of Bounds’ warning is just that, a warning. If you turn that ‘OFF’ (red), you will no longer receive this message when LightBurn determines your job will run beyond the physical bounds of your system and potentially crash into its self. This does not fix the issue. Just turns ON or OFF the warning message.

To address the root issue, you are asking the laser to move fast, and not providing enough room for the laser head to slow down and make a direction change. Slow down, and or adjust the amount of ‘Overscanning’ set for this cut.

You are set to one of the origin modes that requires you to position the laser head properly before you start. Read here: https://lightburnsoftware.github.io/NewDocs/CoordinatesOrigin.html

You should use Absolute Coords with your laser, until you know how the others work.

Thank you very much!

Thanks a lot!

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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