Text setting and mouse context menu

Please may I ask you
it is not possible to work with normal fonts or text by entering values like
text height, text width, line spacing, alignment to the right, to the left?
Is there a hotkey to bend the text?

I miss the context menu a lot here in LightBurn. Can’t I have the context menu turned off by mistake??

I also often miss the ability to switch functions by right-clicking and selecting (somewhere ideally from an editable) context menu. An editable menu would probably be great for the tools on the left side.

Maybe keyboard shortcuts are for something but when you don’t know them and the context doesn’t show them
it is very time consuming when you go 80x across the screen just only to switch :frowning:

Sorry I dont edit below Strong text,
but impossible to change to normal :frowning:
(It is possible to work with LB from tablet or mobile?
If not, why LB explain something with crazy? format YouTube Shorts?)

I don’t know what’s wrong but I can’t add optional tags


Give it a try, LightBurn documentation has become one of the best.

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It’s definitely a super resource for studious types!

I’ve tried fast 2-3 videos and haven’t found an answer
I’m a beginner with LB even though I bought it quite a while ago

If I kept studying the manual (where everything is also not clear to me) I would probably end up with LB again :frowning:

(I’ve only ever worked with bitmap editors and that’s probably not good training! :wink:

You know many and many very simple things are sometimes a search for an hour or hours for me :frowning:

Is there contextual help in LB, keyboard shortcuts
when you hover over a tool icon… ??

Try it!, there are “move over tips” on almost all buttons :slight_smile:

now the context is just about everywhere :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :no_mouth:
I dont remember from saturday where was my problem.

But now real actual problem

((even a Yes/No answer helps me
because I know whether or not to look for something))

  1. I dont know if normal font is possible to setup.
  2. I drawn something with more layers
    At the begening when I have about 3 layers everything was nearly ok.

Now (with about 12 layers) when I need edit something and its impossible
only twice by acccident was possible :frowning:
What is common mistake for beginners who know, for example, phtoshop?

  1. Is it possible to somehow merge some layers?
  2. Is it possible to export some specific layer/layers? (i know that possible made copy and delete layers which I don’t want in the export)
  3. Is there any way to export to pdf?


Yes, easy. Mark the layer you want to “transfer” to another, click on the desired layer color at the bottom - finito.

double-click on the layers (in the left layer window), hide the other, unwanted layers, and copy what you want to a new project, from there you can export further…

no, “only” for .ai, .dxf and .svg

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Thank you so much! :heart_eyes:
I have to try it now

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There are still two layers. How can I delete one of them?
(So if the data can be merged into one layer this way)

I have 3 more Q.

A recurring problem over the past few days:
I need to edit a specific layer, for example, layer 15. I select a subject from layer 15, but a completely different layer is marked or selected instead.
Most often, the issue involves an image under layer L.02.
Do I have incorrect settings, or am I doing something wrong?

Every now and then, I accidentally select another layer or deselect something unintentionally, but I can’t see it happening at the time.

How can I lock one layer with another layer or group of layers?

How can I lock one side of a line so that it rotates around a given point without moving elsewhere?

Set all other layers to not “show”, hold the Shift key down while pressing the layer you want to delete (in the cuts and layer window), or mark everything manually, and then you usually delete with “Edit - Delete” …

You are likely to choose a shape/layer you want to process, but because it is below another layer it becomes the top layer select.

An easy way to avoid it is arranging the order of your layers in a more paractic way or dazzling out the layers you do not want to work with.

…Ak so very useful


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Thank you

I described it exactly according to the attached picture above

I need edit C15 but C02 is selected :frowning:
I hope I have the layers lined up correctly?

This is the first website where I enabled notifications :heart_eyes:

Looks like you have both lines and pictures on the same layer … I will never do that.
Send your file up here and it’s much easier to find out.

No, I keep them separate

To mark what I want I have to turn off the layer with the image and then it’s ok

But that’s probably not right, or is it?

If it works for you, then it must be ok. :+1:

What confuses me is that you assign different “object types” the same layer as line and image …
But possibly it’s just another way to work in Lightburn.

I don’t know if I understand LB correctly
I assume I have the image in the layer: C05, C19, C01, C02, OK?

And I want to edit the text in the C27 or 27? layer

That’s not what I mean, I just see that you use the same layer for different “object types”, as in layers 1, 2, 5, 19… Since different object types have different characteristics, it is (in my opinion) unfortunate to use layers in this way. But who says that my way of doing things in LightBurn is the right one, …if you can figure it out and use it as it is, then that’s fine. But maybe your problem is related to how you organize your layers, I don’t know.
If you have difficulty selecting layer 27, drag it to the bottom and deselect (make them invisible) all others, or just deselect all others without moving layer 27…
As I said, it’s hard to judge/help without seeing the file, but you’ll probably figure it out anyway in the end.

I don’t know much about layers. I’m a beginner :frowning:
In this case, to make the drawing clearer for me I chose multiple colors for different parts.
I’ll probably convert the larger part to a few colors later.

Layers are just “a set of options”, meaning power, speed, mode (Fill, Line, etc), and other things like kerf, line spacing, and so on. It’s how you tell the software “I want everything in red to be engraved with these options”. The colors have no meaning - you assign the meaning to them by changing the layer settings.

Graphics in LightBurn are always assigned to a layer by choosing their color. If you have two layers in the layer list it means you have at least two different graphics loaded that have different colors assigned to them.

You can’t directly delete a layer - you have to remove all the graphics that are using that layer, OR assign those graphics a different color, which would move them to a different layer.

If you hold the Shift key and click a layer, it will select all the graphics using that layer. Then with them selected you can click one of the color buttons along the bottom of the main window to choose a different color for those graphics.

Thank you for the explanation :slight_smile: