Okay Lightburn community, I am having the same issue I had when I started using lightburn. I am new to lasers and really only had one thing that I wanted to do with it. Well, I fumbled through it and completed what I set out to do. On that journey, I found that the laser can do soo much more. I’ve had this problem since I set up my laser the first time. I read the forums and googled it. I got a couple of responses but I don’t think I explained it in detail enough so the answers I was getting were basically the same. So I’m here to post again ( because now I have more time and can actually try to fix it before I have to leave again with my wife)
So here is the issue(s);
When I first started using lightburn, It wouldn’t find my laser. Every time I started LB, I would have to delete the preferences files and find the laser again. When I first turn on the laser, it “homes”. In doing so, It goes to the left rear corner and even though it hits the limit switch, it still tries to go more to the left for several seconds making what sounds like a belt jumping a gear.
I stumbled around and found a work around using the origin button instead of the home button. I was able to make the t-shirt screens I wanted and then made the shirts. Afterwards, I tried to make my own designs, but the homing issue was really annoying. I occasionally ran into another problem, when I would place a design in the center, LB would say that it was out of the work area. I would resize it smaller over and over again but the message was the same. I wasn’t getting anywhere and my interest was failing. A LB update came out and I didn’t have the find the laser issue anymore but the laser would stop half way through a burn. So, it just sat there for 4 months. I’m home now for a little while and want to set it up for my wife. as soon as I started it, the homing issue reared its ugly head. I was able to burn a small image and show my wife, but now I want to actually fix the issue(s). One of my theories is that LB thinks the entire work area is to the left of the actual work area, but I tried to google it and couldn’t find an answer that fit/fixed the issues.
So, the reason I say it’s LB and not my laser/ computer is because I downloaded the Xtool software and it has no issues, none. It can find my laser, home it and burn a complete image without any issues. Lb looks like a promising program and I have a lot of ideas I want to try. I just can’t get past these issues.
Let’s start with the fact that xTool has not been super cooperative with Lightburn in providing all the info to interface with their equipment. From my viewpoint Lightburn has done an incredible job making their software work with xTool machines given the circumstances.
I see two probable issues. First, did you follow the instructions from xTool for using the laser with Lightburn found here?
Second, it appears to me that you don’t properly understand the different job origin and start from modes. Once you get the first issue resolved watch this video I made regarding those issues, it may help.
The issue is not LightBurn, the issue is xTool. THEY changed their firmwares to make it incompatible with the rest of the diode laser world. LightBurn tries to keep up with those changes, but xTool is not really willing to help, which is not a surprise because they want to sell/use their software.
So it’s more a lack of research on your side, to be honest. If you buy an xTool, stay in the xTool-ecosystem (like Apple or BambuLab). If you want to use great software like LightBurn, don’t buy an xTool device. It’s simple as that.
Thank you very much for the advice. I watched the video and it helped a lot. I don’t have a lot of time to get accustomed to it because of work. Simply getting past the belt jumping was a huge relief. Again, I really appreciate it. I’m sure I’ll be back .
As far as not doing my research. I’m sorry that the first thing I should look for is whether the company is having beef with another company. Out of all the videos that I looked at and the posts I read, not one of them said/ referenced the issue between Xtool and Lightburn.
I’ve been playing with the different origins, and I’ll just keep watching the video until it sinks in. But it did give me an opportunity to mess with the boundaries I always though were off. With a little help from my wife, she would hit the frame button and I would watch what the laser would do. I put in absolute coordinates and moved the text box to 0,0. The laser framed somewhere around 200 on the X axis? (Along the top). I kept moving the text box over and the edge of the work area in lightburn was around 280mm. I didn’t try the Y axis because I figured if I knew how to do an offset or something to shift my work area over then it would cover that as well.
That being said, is there a way to off set the work area so lighburn thinks its at 0,0 but really is at where my laser work area 0,0 is?
In the video I can’t see your Lightburn screen, so it’s hard for me to advise. Please post a screenshot (not a cell phone pic) of your entire Lightburn screen with your project loaded and the Cuts/Layers Panel and Laser Panel visible and a photo of where the corresponding project prints. Also post a screenshot of the Settings Window (Gears icon) with the Units and Grids tab visible and post a screenshot of the Device Settings Window (Wrench and Screwdriver icon).
Sorry if I came across harsh, it wasn’t my intent. It’s frustrating to me as someone trying to help others that xTool has their ecosystem locked down to the point they do. They’re not the only company to do this but at least they allow Lightburn some access.
I just purchased a 3D printer from BambuLabs and they are in the process of doing something similar with their software. I’m not happy about it, but what can you do?
I think that initial comment was pointed at me But the reason I wrote it is the same that Tim mentioned. And I guess it’s not that obvious that xTool is behaving like this, maybe. To me (but I’m playing with diode lasers for a few years now), it’s like someone asking that he bought an iMac and is now wondering why he can’t install his Windows software. But it might not be that visible in this context. The same holds for BambuLab in the 3D printer world. So every genre has its Apple company
I wish xTool made it clear in their documentation / marketing that they have “partial Lightburn compatability”, but I suppose that would affect their bottom line with reduced sales. I think xTool makes a good machine, but I wouldn’t buy one because of this limitation, although there may be an F1 in my future unless another company comes out with something similar. I really like Lightburn.
I bought the BambuLab knowing they were somewhat proprietary, but also touted as the easiest to learn. It was only after my printer had been ordered that they came out with the new “security measures” not allowing 3rd party slicers to connect. At this point, it’s not an issue for me while in the learning process, but I will probably not buy another of their printers in the future unless this changes back.
Oh BTW, I run Windows on my Mac daily. It does require a software add on (Parallels), but it works well.
Thanks again for the help. Right after I posted the screen shots, I tried to burn something and it went exactly where I wanted it. So it has to be something I did. I don’t hit the home button ever, anymore. I will be leaving soon and I’m not taking the laser with me. When I get back in a few months, I’ll play with it again. I am hoping that my wife takes an interest in it. While I’m home, I am working on trying to burn pictures into glass. I’d eventually like to play with the rotary tool. But one thing at a time. I’ve had to put 3 off my dogs down over the years and every time, it cost me a fortune to get the ashes and footprints (for my wife) I could have paid for the laser 3 times over. I want to burn the dogs pictures into glass. That is my ultimate goal.