Tiki Mask Story Board

From Story Board Draftsman

Tiki Mask

Maple Wood

100 mm x 100 mm

1200 mm/min 55% power


2,5 watt Eleksmaker

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Once again, a great piece of work.

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I REALLY like this. Is this something that would scale well to be larger? If so… :wink: I suuuuuuure would like to make one for my father-in-law (who is really in to this style).

Here you go @Stroonzo

This one is pretty cool as well

Here are all of his Aztec style files



… as always, a very precise laser focus!
I mentioned it before, you are incredibly productive and have achieved a very high level of quality in your work. Always a pleasure and inspiration for many of us.

Thank you…,

free membership free creations as long as you dont sell…

Beautiful work!

@Dazgib…thank you