Time is off on moving in dialog and other bugs found

Been super hot so i haven’t had much time since the last update for the software to play.
But I noticed i somehow lost camera calibration and while redoing that. a couple of issues came up. first pic :

pretty sure it didn’t take 5 hours to move 250mm on my machine.
Second the tab order for the input boxes in the camera aligment is all out of wack

i was going to number the order but yea, its in need of a fix.

now to remember the scale i used so i can realign my camera get back to work.

OS linux mint.

Depends on the speed set on the layer… and what Lightburn knows of your machines speed and acceleration values.

Since you didn’t mention how fast you are moving, I can’t really comment.

Don’t follow the tab issue…


i posted pictures for nothing it seems… the tab issue is for the developers to reorder in the next release is all

any clue why my camera is flipping when i capture?

ok camera issue was caused by a combination of adding a second camera on the usb hub and not supplying enough power causing the weird issues. changed back to the old camera and removed extra camera from the usb port and the power and bandwidth issues are solved

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