Trace Image - line skipping

We are trying to ‘fill’ a piece of art my wife has drawn on to wood.
My standard practice with this is to ‘Trace Image’ and blast away.

However, this time and on random designs before we get the a few passes that are way out of line. It then moves back inline and happily completes the engraving.

Any advice is welcomed.
Im not sure if it could be the file size the tracing is made from originally when dropped in PNG/TIFF format.

I had this issue a few times where it would “seemingly” change it’s X axis origin like that, only I didn’t allow it to continue to see if it would return as yours has done.
I never suspected it as being a LB issue and therefor contacted my machine supplier and his response was that I was running with too high speed. I had 500mm/s programmed and he said “Too fast. 300mm/s”. I was a little disappointed to hear that but haven’t had an issue since. Just a thought. I’m guessing it was a limitation of the either the controller or the stepper motor.

Thanks Wheelz,

I run the same engraving speed (350mm/s) for all of our jobs and have done longer jobs that take 30mins a piece and run 2 at a time so the machine is running that speed for over an hour no issues. This speed has worked well for wider and thinner patterns but its these are the most ‘intense’ graphically.

This particular piece is less than a 10minute job but it has thrown this error now. I might run it again and hit no problem, however printing a set of 6 with the potential for them all to fail isn’t an ideal use of time or resource.

Try using ‘Send’ instead of ‘Start’. If the engraving is quite detailed, it’s possible to overload the controller if it is both receiving the data and running the file at the same time. If you Send, then start the job from the control panel, it’s only doing one or the other, not both.

Thanks Oz, I will try this next attempt. I did rerun the job with the image file size smaller. It made a mistake again, slightly less pronounced and in a different place.

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