Trace image/ welding after

Still new to light burn and I’m sure there is another way to create the shape I have, but I have a knife sheath and I’ve traced the sheath and then took a picture of it. Then traced image in lightburn, duplicated the image then tried to weld them together. But it doesn’t seem to work. I know it’s a simple fix, but I can’t figure it out…. Anyone have any ideas?

Can you post screenshots of what you’re dealing with? And the .lbrn file if you’re willing. Will make it simpler to understand the complication.

I’m a little unclear on what you are doing, are you trying to “weld them together” on two images? If so, I don’t think it works that way. You would have to duplicate the tracing and then weld both of the tracings together.

The Boolean Assistant might really help you with your knife sheath project:

Scroll down to about post #12 where you can see how it might work based on what you select.

Thank you guys!

After really thinking about it I realized that grace image did not close some of the paths. Therefore wouldn’t weld them together. Also, it was creating two paths per side. After I cleared that up and closed all paths and made sure only two shapes were present. It welded for me. This is what i ended up with.

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