Traced image producing double cuts

Hi there! I’m fairly new to this hobby so please bear with me.

I am trying to make rubber stamps with my 10W Algolaser engraver. My designs are in PNG format so I have to use the trace image function to convert it into SVG. The vector comes out fine but when I try to engrave it, it produces ‘double cuts’. I tried engraving it with just 1 pass but the problem still persists.

Here are my parameters:
Speed (mm/sec) - 15.00
Max Power (%) - 50.00
Mode - Offset Fill
Line Interval - 0.0635
Lines per Inch - 400.00
Passes - 3
Ramp Edge - On

I absolutely need to have the offset fill option as it burns the rubber better and produces a cleaner cut than the fill option. Also I need to have several passes to make the engrave deeper. I plan on working with more complex designs than this (star for example purposes only).

Hope someone can help me! Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Can you post your .png file?

Sorry I forgot to attach. I just got this off from google but I did try with my own designs. Same results. :confused:

It seems you have some shift (maybe in X) and you first need to make mechanical adjustments. Run the file in the following post and upload a photo of the output.

For shapes like that one you can also use Flood Fill

And for stamps you can also try Ramp option

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Hi there. Thank you for the suggestions! I tried engraving the file as per the thread and the pattern did come out wonky which confirmed the mechanical issues. I adjusted the x-axis gantry and belts, ran the file again and seemed to have solved the problem. :slight_smile: Thanks a lot!


And make sure all set screws on pullies and couplers are tight.

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