Trade my 60w laser and go back to my ortur laser why?

Hi every body,
I was pumped. I transfer from a hobby laser to a more professional laser which was a 60 w laser. I built a beautiful she-shade for my work environment and well light and well ventilated for laser specific to extract fume from my shop area. I was make good money from my clients, and eCommerce orders. Suddenly, I got sick. I went to my doctor and was told that I have to stop using my laser machine It was affecting my health. so I took my doctor advise and sold my 60w laser. and went back to my ortur laser to engraving only. and bought me a cnc fox alien machine. Since then my health getting better and excellent, and also less fume for me now I get my health back. I used my fox alien to cut wood and my ortur laser to do my engraving only. I hope the community can learn my passed experience with the laser machine.

How could a laser effect your health? Do they have a legitimate reason?

I had my defibrillator going off (beeping) and the tech guy told me that I shouldn’t use the laser because of emi. I told him he needs to go back to school and quit scaring people. I was getting near my magnets during alignment and my defibrillator would beep because a magnet turns the device off.

I’ve found out during my past 30 years of cardiac problems, any equipment health people don’t know about, they advise you to avoid. Makes it easy …

You know, ‘high voltage’ and ‘emf’ scare people :crazy_face:

If you don’t mind, can you clue us in on their take on the danger?
