Most cups/tumblers have a taper to them./ Many images, especially circular will become egg shaped, oval or skewed. I typically have to compensate for this in illustrator with a transform tool or perspective tool. I can grab any corner of the image and drag it out. Any chance for this tool to be implemented.
It would also help to get neat perspective images on flat work as well.
Sure is! I find you already listed as a desired feature on our feature voting site. Can you get some more friends to add their support as well. Bumps it up on the list.
Yes I did but honestly I couldnt find my original post. When I signed in it showed I had no activity. Anyway. I really appreciate the software and the amazing updates. I hope others will understand and value the importance of the SKEW! Thanks!
Yes, I understand this is an old thread, but work has begun to provide tools in this domain and wanted to update those that posted here.
Shear / Skew Tool
You’ll notice a new pair of control handles in the edit window - these are for skewing shapes (technically called ‘Shear’).
@Rick this is great thanks - am I correct in seeing that the skew amount cannot be entered numerically? that would help a lot.
also… the option for a general skew amount for all output would be great, as I could then compensate for the hardware skew of my laser cutter…
edit: ah I see this was discussed earlier here, seems to be something more folks would appreciate: Compensate for inaccurate chinese controllers · LightBurn
Yes, I see some traction there as well. Click the up arrow on the upper-left of that post if you haven’t already. We really do use that information to assist us in prioritizing our efforts.