s.o.sho un LASER D 5.5 tree NO riesco a lavorare .inizia a lavorare e al minuto inizia a trasmettere streaming non so cosa sia, e no riesco a uscirne, le do che voglio chiudere ,pero non riparte ilmlaser. ho desistalato e reinstalato il lighburn e lo rifa.
s.o.s I have a LASER D 5.5 tree NO I can’t work. It starts working and one minute it starts streaming I don’t know what it is, and I can’t get out of it, I tell it that I want to close it, but the laser doesn’t start again. I uninstalled and reinstalled the lighburn and it does it again.
Is this what you have?
Please take a screenshot of the error you are seeing, if any errors are showing in the Console Window?, then please copy and paste those errors or alarms here.
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