Traversal Lines still shows

I have an issue that I can not figure out. I hope you might be able to help. I can not turn off the traversal between shapes. For example, It burns between letters in a name. I checked everything I was able to find which basically entered $32=1, and $30 =1000 in Lightburn consol. That did not work. Are there any tips that you could help with? Thanks in advance.

Don’t know what SLB controller is.
What do you have your laser set to in devices?

Hi, Thank you for replying to my question.
I’m using AltMill. AltMill uses Super Long Board SLB.
In Gsender configuration, I enable laser as well

$31 is set to zero.
S-value max is set to 1000
And you have selected GBRL as device in your device setup?

Here is a screenshot and the result

I would be checking my laser wiring and make sure PWM wire is on the right pin.