Does lightburn fully support 6225 trocen controller??..tried to engrave a simple 5 inch engrave preview on lightburn says 11 min to complete, however when I sent to job to laser …it took over a hour??
It’s always helpful to have the code you are running in the form of the .lbrn2 file for us to examine. Can’t think of anything that would take that kind of time…
On a Ruida, the internal configuration is read and the estimated ‘run time’ is based on that data. I would assume that the same happens with the Trocen, but I don’t know.
You can go to Edit → Device Settings, I think the advanced tab has that information on it. You can see if it’s reading it or not.
yes lightburn says 11 min to engrave but the controller takes over when the job is sent and it takes 1 hour…will try again with laser cad to see if there is any difference…
The time estimate in LightBurn uses the Device Settings Additional Settings like @jkwilborn said, and can be changed to match machine settings like mentioned. If your laser’s runtime is slow, you may need to adjust your speed & power settings for your machine.
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