Trotec to Lightburn settings translation?

I came across this post on Reddit that was demonstrating the most beautifully engraved art work. A highlight being emphasized was the use of an air compressor. When I asked for information, one of the members linked demo projects on Trotec website, along with these settings suggestions “8-bit/grayscale/relief/3D mode, not 1-bit with dithering”. I had come across these projects linked on Trotec before, but was never able to try them since it seemed to use Trotec specific Software/Settings.

Is there a way to translate Trotec “language” like 8-bit/grayscale/relief/3D mode, not 1-bit with dithering" to settings used in Lightburn. It occurred to me that Trotec uses Corel Draw, but idk what difference that would make with regards to doing it on something through Lightburn.

I have an Aeon 60watt CO2

There is a grayscale option in Lightburn, in the layer one of the dither options is grayscale… and as Lightburn has on the gui, it’s for 3d work with a co2…

The software does this and generates a ‘bunch’ of control codes so the size of the ‘code’ is very large.

The original project in that article was done with a fiber laser and if you look at it, it’s much more superior in how ‘clean’ the cuts are than a co2 will be. If you notice many have stated they get a lot of charred areas, that you can see it in detail of the Trotek example.

I’ve really struggled with this on wood and acrylic… I have yet to get it an acceptable piece of work. Many have, I just haven’t… we know it’s possible…

I have a compressor and run 60lbs when I tried this, and for cutting… so I have the air pressure…

Keep in mind, that when you lase, it will lase at 100% power for the ‘on’ time. A power percentage of 50% will cause the machine to run 100% power for 50% of the time…

Good luck… please show us some of your work with this… :pray:


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