I am having trouble tracing this image. I am not sure if the image itself needs to be adjusted due to the dark background. It traces fine but in the preview it seems to be engraving the negative instead of the bird.
You will have to break your design apart and assign each element Fill or Outline as needed
You can use trace more than once. Target specific areas such as the bird and it’s wings.
Most people think trace is a one time thing, but it’s not.
Might want to post the original, lots of people will likely help you figure it out.
Easiest thing to do would be to offset the circle around the bird. A small amount will do.
Remember, when filling it will start from the outside line and fill to the first inside line it finds. So in your case, it fills from the top arc to the arc above Red Falcons. then the letters then the line below the letters to the next inside line which would be the bottom of that circle. Then the next line is the circle around the bird and the only inside line to that i the bird.
So add another circle and the bird will be filled correctly.
He’s missing all the detail in the bird wings.
When he fixes that we’ll worry about an inverted image.
+1 to use trace multiple times. Adjust the sliders on the image and on the trace panel to get certain parts highlighted. Trace, then ungroup and delete the parts that you done want. Then re-group the parts to keep them in the right orientation and spacing.
Repeat the process for all the different parts that you want to capture, then re align the pile of parts into a good image. It takes a little practice.
Next up for your homework is to learn to edit nodes to change shapes and smooth out irregularities.
When I do multiple traces I put each trace on a different layer to help the final edit.
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