Trying Out a Free photo to laser Convertor

Trying out a new and FREE convertor
Must say I,m impressed
2.5 watt Eleksmaker
White tile method


Unfortunately… I get

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

Looks promising tho… going to give it another try tomorrow

What does the process do to the image??

Also, I haven’t read the page but what about image ownership of it’s one of your own etc.

the internal error causes, because you did not resize the image first. We work on this to display : „Resize before adding mats“

You can only pick 1 material, becs you generate every image for the material. If you need another one, just reload the page and apply- after resize - another material

select wood

They keep for 5 minutes
as soon as you use goggle …goggle has all your info

So I tried it and this is the result.
A negative and reversed image.
Any reason as to why?

@Did you choose WOOD…that is for glass

@sensor you must IMPORT…Then RESIZE…Then Material …in that order

That’s what I did wrong.
Thank you.

Hey Jim,

I replied with the solution of my error. But yes… you must follow each step otherwise you get an error.
Resize I left to standard just to try and that gave me the error.
Seems to work good!
Still fiddling with the settings of my laser… but this looks very very promising!

Like it! Very easy to use!!

@beltramidave…and they are making some major upgrades …lol I kinda been giving feedback

The script seems to do an excellent job when it works, but sadly it’s currently a little unstable. Despite all the suggestions above, it’s still a matter of being lucky to get a result. I’ve even closed the page down completely, but when I reopen, Resize doesn’t work and the image is always negative (Glass or Acrylic engraved on the rear surface) when any of the options including Wood are selected.

When I eventually got a-non reversed image, it did vary a lot from test to test. If you continue to get a negative image, use any photo program such as IrfanView which is free to reverse it. You will then need to do a horizontal flip.

It’s a great little program and I hope they can get the bugs out soon.

In all honesty, I think the results are pretty amazing. The accompanying screenshot is a CorelDraw vector with a JPG image of a locomotive added. This was then converted to a JPG which I used to produce the Laser image. I consider it perfect because all the detail is there.

I did find I got far better results by allowing each of the above steps time to be processed. When you add the photo - wait, when you click resize - wait, when you choose wood - wait. The server may be a bit busy.

Yes the sever gets busy…They have told me some more updates this weekend for bugs etc…from feedback they get…

I really am looking forward to engraving this. I only have MDF available, but I’ll still give it a try. I’ll post the results as they come off the production line.

Don’t you guys think that the results turn out a bit stark?
To me it almost looks like a pencil drawing.
Look at the hands and fingers.

All I know is what you see and Mr Laser sees are two different perspectives

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Thanks Jim,
I’m gonna try it today.