I created a DFX file then imported into Lightburn. I then added text and wanting to combine the two together. When I try the bolean merge it combines everything. I then tried to trim out the lines so it the Cowboys is cursive out, as pictured. But when that happens even after the trim looks like everything is connected, it says 7 or 12 sports arent connected and won’t fill the state outline anymore. I am not sure what else to do.
Not entirely sure what you intend for your final product but if I take the most straightforward interpretation of what I’m understanding then try this:
select both the inner boundary perimeter shapes of the state, group them
So when I do that, it blend everything together. I am wanting to the state outline to incorporate the Cowboys, but the solid line to not strikethrough the cowboys text. So outline, cowboys (text), outline. Kind of thing. Maybe Lightburn can’t do that?
Duplicate former text, move one copy out of the way by pressing shift+up a couple of times.
Select text situated still on top of the line and ungroup (you may need to ungroup multiple times)
Remove all inner shapes from the text such that only the outline remains
Select both outer perimeter boundary of state, then group
Select grouped perimeter, add text outline to selection, Tools->Cut shapes. This should leave you with part of the line cut up into small sections matching the shape of the text.
Select all the small parts between the two now ending points of the perimeter. You may need to first ungroup to allow the selection. Delete all the small parts so it leaves a void between the 2 ends of the perimeter.
Select previously duplicated text, use shift+down the same number of iterations to place the text back so it matches perfectly to its original location
Select perimeter shape, add text to selection, Tools->Boolean union
That should leave you with this shape.
One note, I believe the ‘s’ at the end of the text is separate from the rest of the text. You may want to first close the gap and union that before proceeding so that you have one contiguous shape for the outline.