TS2 20W Laser issues

The image is of a TS2 20W Laser. The distance is 40cm from the Laser unit. As I am a newbie I would like somebody to confirm that there is an issue with the Laser. Shouldn’t it be a spot? Thanks for any advice

The image is not the best, but does seem the center of the spot is being interrupted.

I would inspect carefully the optical glass because - if I had to guess - you have a mark or a crack on your optics.

Unplug laser from the Machine, and have a very close inspection

Thanks for your reply. I uploaded a better photo. I am also made a photo of the lens. I installed a protective lens not so long ago as I tried to find out what’s going wrong.

That central dog mark will definitly be a problem

Got to replace it, they are common “die fast” parts on >10W modules

Thanks for that, will replace it

TT finally acknowledged that the unit is faulty. I thank you for your help