Two Laser beams after cleaning mirrors and lense

I bought a 100W 1390 Chinese laser, after light use over 1 1/2 months or so I noticed the laser wasn’t cutting 4mm Material well anymore. So I decided to clean the lens and mirrors which really needed to be cleaned.

I put the mirrors and lens back in after cleaning and pulsed the laser and it looked like there was now two beams. I did not pay attention too the length of the tube the laser lens fits in before disassembly to clean the lens.

Is this a alinement issue? Or is this a issue with the focal length of the tube? Or is the mirror or lens somehow dividing the laser beam now?

I would guess that one or more mirrors have changed position slightly and part of the beam is now reflecting off the inside of the nozzle. It might be a good time to do a mirror alignment.

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