I hope that someone can help me before I lose my mind. I have a Two Trees TS2 that I upgraded the laser from a 10W to a 20W. i used the 20 W configuration file for my machine to work wiyh Lightburn. when the machine homes it hits the limiter switch and makes a grinding noise. I uninstalled Lightburn and reinstalled it but the issue persists. I tried it on LaserGRBL and it homes just fine. Does anyone know how to correct this issue? I know its not the machine since it works just fine in LaserGRBL.
the 20W is bigger correct, are you sure the frame can hit the switches before the module hits the frame?
Remove it temporarely and try homing
Yes it is bigger than the 10W. The upgrade came with a bigger plate for the limiter switch to accomodate for the bigger size of the 20W module. It hits the limiter switch before getting to the frame. I would think its a hardware issue but like I said it is working just fine in LaserGRBL. Which leads me to think its a software issue.
it wont be, as homing preceeds software is firmware based
So is all inside he controller
Review your wiring make sure you have the switches as NO and not NC
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