I’ve been having moderate success cutting plywood with a 2.5W blue laser diode. This was actually surprising since I read that the binders/glues used in plywood typically block typical laser diode wavelengths. The grade of plywood I’ve had success with is the one used to make little craft boxes and coasters typically found in dollar stores. High quality baltic/finnish birch plywood that I can find at my wood supplier seems to made completely of birch or some sort of dense wood so I can only mark the surface (i.e. the core of the plywood is too dense). For comparison, I could easily cut through a 5mm dollar store coaster in 8 passes at full power and 1800mm/min feedrate while I couldn’t even get deeper than the first couple of layers on a 2mm finnish birch with 400mm/min full power.
Does anyone know what the dollar store cheap kind of plywood is called and where I can find it(I’m based in Canada)?