UK spray paint for Norton White Tile

Good Afternoon. I am having trouble finding any decent paint for the Norton White Tile method to do white tiles( laser images on them). I know overseas that people use Rustoleum Painters Touch x2. Just want to know what people use in the UK say from B&Q, wickes , or screwfix type shops. Just need some help getting hold of an equivilant.
Kindest Regards in Advance

Hi Tony
I use Polarweiss from a company from Germany.
It’s the best thing I’ve used so far
it is water-based, dries quickly and can be removed quickly with a sponge, excellent paint.

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Are there more hobbyists who have tried this paint and what are your experiences.

best regards

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I end up making my own after failed with a few other white sprays.

Search Best Norton white tiles spray you will find my YouTube testing videos

Benson chik