Unable to connect Ruida controller to Lightburn

I am building a new machine. I am using a Ruida RDC6445G controller.
I have been unable to connect with either USB or Ethernet.
With ethernet, I have configured the controller with an IP address. The computer and router are on the same subnet. I am able to ping the controller from the computer and the controller shows connected to the network.

I found the article that discusses connecting to a Ruida controller via ethernet. It describes going to devices and creating manually. The problem when I get there, there is no option for Ruida Ethernet connection as shown in the article. How do I get that option to show in the list of devices to configure manually_

Can you take a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

Looks to me like you’re not licensed for DSP devices which would be necessary for Ruida controllers to be available as an option.


Yup. My Monport with a Ruida is connected via Ethernet.


@CaptainJohn, once you purchase support for DSP controllers, you should see an option for how you can connect to that device, as shown below.

Grab your key and head here to add DSP support:

That was the problem, I did not realize a seperate license was required for DSP.

I bought the license and now all is working.


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