Unable to find colors not showing up

i am working on a project and the colors are not on my screen i know it is apose to be at the bottom but it is not there i have tried re downloding but same problem how do it get on to show up

Under the “windows” menu, the first item, “reset to default layout”, should like to give you the layer list at the bottom of the screen back

it did not work

the problem is there is no color on the bottom

i can not see the layer colors it is not showing up

No reason to double post. I merged your re-post below.

my layer colors are not showing and i cant find them in windows reset does not work i am having trouble HELP

You may have turned them off. Try clicking window, cut palette, and then click it on again:

ok it is invisible i can not see it on my screen

What operating system are you running? What is the resolution of your display? How do you have the toolbar icon size set:

it is on normal it completely invisible

How about the other two questions?

i run on window 10 i do know my resolution

i am still stuck what do i need to do

Maybe try just maximizing your screen:

Clicking there will maximize and:

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thank i figured it out

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