Under the Laser tab, the time remaining seems to be off by about half

I am burning a project now and the estimated time to completion seems to be off by about 50%. I realize the its only an estimate, but by 50%? This is the 2nd project that I have seen this happen since the last update. Am I doing something wrong?

Both projects I have used Image-r for the pic in the pass-through mode. My settings are 3500/mm @ 75%/pwr. Enclosed is the pic (not sure it uploaded).

this is a popular complaint. Unfortunately, Lightburn uses theoretical values taken from your laser, but your laser has to deal with real world acceleration and speed constraints. Nobody ever complains the job finished too soon.

I use that estimate from the Preview window to mostly determine if settings I change reduce the burn time.

Thanks Mike for your response. I thought I was doing something wrong. Good point about too soon!!! Take care


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As Mike already mentioned, you need to align your settings and the physical capabilities of your laser. If you align them well, the preview is accurate.
Read the controller settings into LB (advanced options in device settings) and choose settings that your laser can handle (though 3500mm/min should be ok).


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