Uneven burn on wood

I am trying to engrave a silloutte in “fill” mode, but the result is coming out with an uneven burn (dark in some sections, very light in other sections of the same figure). Is this a setting issue? I am using X-Tool Pro 10w on wood. Here is a picture of my results.

Thank you,

Some of that looks like difference in the wood. You can see where the grain lines carry through to your burn. If that is a single image, there are some weird things going on - especially with the rod and head area - they are close enough that they should be the same darkness. And the lines along the back???

Since you want this to be a silhouette, have you converted this to an all-black image? If you have variations in the image, you’ll have variations in the burn.

If you don’t mind us looking, drop your .lbrn2 file on the reply window so we can examine it.

Wood can vary a large amount …


Thank you for your suggestions.

I have tried this on different types of wood and have similar results with all of them. The file itself is a silloutte, so I am not sure how to convert it to an all black image.
istockphoto fly fisher

I am not quite sure what you need to look at, but let me know if this is what you are looking for.

Thank you,

I always liked this take…

How fast can your machine run? You have the power high… can you raise the speed or lower the power…

The wood looks very similar where I marked it but your burn is quite different.


I traced (Tools → Trace Image) the image and got this, I know you had two different layers… This is a single layer… and it’s set to fill.

I exported it as an svg…


And a lightburn project file.

gone-fishing.lbrn2 (81.6 KB)


I tried what you sent, but got the same result. Thank you for the suggestions. I am not sure where to go from here.

I would try slowing it down or upping your power a bit, so the whole burn is darker.

The power is already up very high and I think if I try it any higher it will burn too deep into the wood. I have tried different combinations of speed and power, and while some have made some improvements to the results, it is still not a consistent burn.

I appreciate your suggestion.

Is your speed set as per your screenshot to 4800? If so that’s way way too high… Try like 200.

Our material test might also be useful to you: Material Test - LightBurn Software Documentation

I did not even know you could decrease your speed that much. I totally burnt through my thin piece of wood, but when I adjusted the power way down too, I got a much more consistent burn pattern. This is definitely a learning curve!

The grid matrix was also something I had not been truly aware of trying.

Thank you for responding again. I will eventually get this…


There’s definitely a learning curve, it took me a while! :relaxed: That’s looking great now! Well done!

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