I am trying to engrave a silloutte in “fill” mode, but the result is coming out with an uneven burn (dark in some sections, very light in other sections of the same figure). Is this a setting issue? I am using X-Tool Pro 10w on wood. Here is a picture of my results.
Some of that looks like difference in the wood. You can see where the grain lines carry through to your burn. If that is a single image, there are some weird things going on - especially with the rod and head area - they are close enough that they should be the same darkness. And the lines along the back???
Since you want this to be a silhouette, have you converted this to an all-black image? If you have variations in the image, you’ll have variations in the burn.
I have tried this on different types of wood and have similar results with all of them. The file itself is a silloutte, so I am not sure how to convert it to an all black image.
The power is already up very high and I think if I try it any higher it will burn too deep into the wood. I have tried different combinations of speed and power, and while some have made some improvements to the results, it is still not a consistent burn.
I did not even know you could decrease your speed that much. I totally burnt through my thin piece of wood, but when I adjusted the power way down too, I got a much more consistent burn pattern. This is definitely a learning curve!
The grid matrix was also something I had not been truly aware of trying.
Thank you for responding again. I will eventually get this…