Uneven burning on electro plated zinc alloy

Hi, total newb here so thanks in advance for your help and patience! I have the Gweike G2 Fiber Laser and I’m getting uneven burns that are lighter on one side than the other. Any help or insight here would be greatly appreciated! I’ve calibrated the laser and height is correct for the lens I have, but no luck. I’ve been able to successfully burn the other color USB’s with the same coating (Silver, Black and Space Gray) but this particular color seems to be present a significant issue.

Would love to hear thoughts on my settings if you have’em!

How long is the lens you’re using? It could have a very short depth of focus.


Hi jk, oddly enough I’ve been online with their support for this. The lens says 210m, but they claim a 261mm depth of focus.

Need to check out the metrics.

I’ll assume an F210mm, meaning a flat focus lens with a focal length of 210mm.

The closest I have is an F254mm and it has a depth of focus of over 5.5mm, so I doubt that’s your issue.

Have you physically tried the focus to ensure you’re correct?


I have, I’ve done all of their recommended steps, including focusing the spot light. The weird part is the lens says it has a focus of 210, but their support insisted I focus it at 261mm, which is where the red light actually comes into focus…seems like maybe there’s an issue there?

A 200mm lens focuses at 200mm, hence the name. The only way it could increase is to have the lens protruding past where you measure it by 50mm (about 2"), which I doubt.

Do you know how to check focus on these?


According to the manual and they’re support you’re supposed to move the electric lift up and down until the two red dots come into focus. On this laser they are correct, that happens at 261mm.

Are the outputs for the dots adjustable? Could they have been bumped/shifted during shipping or assembly? I believe they have to be calibrated first.

Your only option here is to either believe them or check the focus yourself.

You could have done it 100 times by now.

Lase some material at a high enough rate that you can hear it… move it up and down until it’s makes the most noise.

I have my red leds turned off as I change lenses often.

Good luck


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This seems dangerous? Another question is: will moving the material closer to the laser actually result in a better/deeper cut if it’s not actually at the correct focus?

Focus is very critical with a fiber, so yes you will probably see a difference.

A short lens has a small depth of focus, longer lens longer depth of focus (dof).

Do you know the lens length?


According to the specs 210mm