Universal Engraver 3000 set up

Thank you Rick,

I understand your take on what I need to learn… but if this software is not going to work with my machine, it does not make sense to learn all I can about it. I looked through all the settings and the only one off is my homing setting ($22=0 should be $22=1) Not sure how this prevents the laser from working. It will only fire when I hit the fire button. I have read today until my eyes are about bleeding and I will go make that change listed above. If I can get it working, I will learn all I can about it. The “Benbox” software is a joke and it works but its terrible. I learned about that but the settings don’t change a thing. That is why I am here, if I can get this to work, I will dive into it but if it does not work… I have a decision to make. It also only moves to the corner WHEN it is supposed to be burning. Not sure how the homing setting is the problem but I will try.

I truly do appreciate your help… I was a teacher for 30+ years so I understand your side of trying to teach me at this point.

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You are Welcome

Here is another resource, now with the focused toward LightBurn and how your firmware settings are read then used when controlling from LightBurn. We are in-process, rewriting our documentation, so there will be a tad bit of “dust” while we construct. Please forgive…

This link starts with the initial setup: https://lightburnsoftware.github.io/NewDocs/AddingYourLaser.html

This section, in particular, is worth review: https://lightburnsoftware.github.io/NewDocs/CommonGrblSetups.html

I know, more reading. :slight_smile: Keep thumbing through until you complete the Simple Project section and let us know of any question that come up along the way. :slight_smile:

[quote=“goconnor4, post:21, topic:28062, full:true”] but if this software is not going to work with my machine, it does not make sense to learn all I can about it.

It does.

That’s why they have ‘grbl’ as a machine option.

this is not a non-technical pursuit. No matter what you buy or use, you will need to do some learning.

OMG, this phrase should be required to be printed in 100px high font on every web page that advertises laser engraver/cutters, should be printed on a huge fluorescent sticker stuck to every laser you buy, and be printed in a font that fills the whole first page of the instruction manual. Ah, never mind that last bit… no one ever reads the instruction manual.


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