Update 1.4.05 issue

Just downloaded the new update 1.4.05 and it wiped out my library. Went up the Windows and rechecked it but it will not leave a tab where is should be.

If you hold the ‘Shift’ key when starting LightBurn, it forces a complete reset back to the default window layout. :slight_smile:

Please let us know how you progress.

That did it. But it did remove my art lib. Had to go back up to the window tab and re-check the Art Lib and then re-position it to create a tab, It working OK now. Thanks.


I’m working with the dev team to try to figure out the cause.

LightBurn 1.4.05 update
Windows 10

If you’d be willing to share your lbprefs file, I can check to see if it’s related to an occasional conflict with the Windows file system.

To share the lbprefs file, click File click Export Prefs, and save that file somewhere convenient. Then just drag-and-drop that file into the reply box on the forum if you’re willing to share it.


Sure. If I can find it. When I do that I get a list of files but there isn’t anything in them. I know I must be doing something wrong… :hot_face:

I should have said a list of folders with no files in them.

Interesting… That shouldn’t happen.

If you Export Prefs from LightBurn, It should take your current settings and preferences and output a file.

In Windows, open the file Explorer tool (usually a file folder Icon) and click the up arrow to the left of the search bar to get to the C: drive. Once there, type lbprefs in the search bar (right of the address bar which is to the right of the up arrow) and let windows scour the hard drive for the files.

LightBurn saves the last 50 copies to make this very robust.

You should have the old file and one or two new files post update.
These could be in different folders and that’s what i’m expecting to see.

If you have folders in more than one file folder, it would be even more helpful to look at one from each folder.


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20231222_152941.lbprefs (38.5 KB)

Understood. The ‘Art Library’ window is not shown in the default layout. Glad you reopened and got things back and sorted. @JohnJohn has you regarding the prefs. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help John. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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