Update is hanging

Hi, I’m on my secondary PC which is running Windows 10. I’m currently at L.B. v.1.4.00 and when I try to open a file it advises there is an update and it might not load properly. When I go to update, this is all I get for 10 mins. Wondering if anyone has ever encountered this?

You are the first I am aware of reporting this. What else can you share about your setup? Do you have a firewall that might be blocking access to the GitHub repository? Any recent updates to the Windows environment?

To get you going, you can download from our trial page to get the latest release.

Thanks Rick, I will be home in an hour or so, so I’ll just hop on my other computer. Firewall might be the cause. Our IT department is pretty intense here. I’ll bring my other unit home and try and update there off the VPN.



I had issues when updating on my laptop. I had to first uninstall Lightburn and then download the full trial. Did a clean install of LB after and it worked fine. All my settings and preferences were intact.

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Thank you all. There have been cases where LightBurn is not entirely shutdown when presented with this ‘Update’ popup. We have had a few, rare reports that Windows can hang on to the thumbnail viewer, requiring a reboot of the system. Full uninstall should not be required, yet will ensure all related LightBurn processes have been terminated prior to updating.

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