I have been using the demo version of Lightburn for about a month now with no issue but when I went to activate a license code with DSP support, my camera hasn’t been working properly on any computer that I use.
I am missing about an inch from either side of my useable bed area after I update the overlay. It seems as if my camera is zoomed in and alignment is off outside of the 4 points that are used for alignment.
I have tried:
Recalibrating camera multiple times getting values under .3 and realigning the camera making sure scale is as large as will fit on my bed.
Deleting Lightburn from my computer including all backup preferences and reinstalling
Trying a previous version as well as the new 1.5 beta.
Deactivate my license and trying to use the remainder of my free trial.
I have tried only calibrating the camera lens and when I update the overlay the field of view is back to normal, but alignment is off. When I calibrate alignment it zooms back in cutting off the inch from the left and right.
No. When I tried to burn the maximum size rectangle now, I get an error and have to move it in an additional quarter of an inch so I’m losing roughly 1.5" on both sides. Before I was only losing about a half inch like I am in the top and bottom.
I guess though that I’m not so much worried about maximum cut area. It’s more so that I use the update overlay feature to align a cut to material on the bed and it’s now off in a way that the adjustments in the camera tab do not work
Can you explain what this means? Are you saying that the honeycomb is bigger than your addressable area? Your machine is designed as 510x300 mm area. If properly positioned, you should be able to burn a rectangle of that size. Is that not the case?
The camera has no bearing on addressable area.
To make sure I understand, you’re saying that you’ve gone through camera alignment and the resulting overlay does not match where the laser is actually burning?
If so, can you confirm that you are burning fresh alignment targets and not trying to reuse a previously burnt one? You must burn new targets or otherwise guarantee precise relocation of the markers or else your alignment will be off.
Looking at it with fresh eyes today, I’m starting to think it might just be user error. I may have had it and fill mode yesterday, because today it ran a 510mm x 300mm rectangle with no problem.
Yes I was burning new targets each time. The alignment issue is probably also user error because now only two of the four corners are off by maybe 2 mm. Thank you for your help though