Updates going backwards

OK, I am really confused. I recently had a question regarding taper warp and how it would reset itself when I would go back into it. I was told to install the beta 1.7 which I did and it corrected the problem. Now I look at my version and it says 1.6. when I check for any updates it says I need to install 1.5.06 so I did. The first thing I notice is that taper warp no longer works like it did before. Why would my updates be going backwards?

1.5.06 is the latest version, I believe. 1.6 & 1.7 are beta versions and don’t work with the check for updates feature, therefore need to be installed manually.

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Thanks Tim! do beta versions only last for so long? Not sure how I went from 1.7 to 1.5?

Thank you for reaching back, I understand. This is a known issue when using Beta releases of LightBurn. When checking for updates, this test does not currently account for versions ahead and triggers the Update to an older version issue found.

If you install the 1.6 Public Beta again, you should be able to test the fix.

The recommendation to test the fix to the Taper Warp tool issues you found, is available in both 1.7 and 1.6 betas.

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Not sure why, but I see Taper Warp as a selection, and a pop-up window, in 1.5.06 Lightburn. Is it not supposed to be there?

Taper Warp was released in 1.5.00, so yes, it’s supposed to be there. There was a bug in 1.6 and 1.7 that I’m not 100% sure exists in 1.5.xx or not, I know the bug has been fixed in the latest 1.6 and 1.7 beta versions, but not sure if that fix has been pushed back to the 1.5.xx software yet, or if it needs to be.

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